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 Emergency Response Plan Activation

Target audience: IMC members

Prévention réunion avec graphique

The Incident Management Centre (IMC) team will be trained in the details and use of different components of the Emergency Response Plan. In addition, this training presents the organization and operation of the Incident Management Center.


Training description

This course is a logical continuation of the "Introduction" course intended primarily for the Incident Management Center (IMC) team. It provides a more detailed look at the Emergency Response Plan (ERP) and the implementation and operation of the IMC.


The ERP: How is it organized? What are the different parts? How do you optimize its use? How to update it?


The IMC: Where is it located? What is its role? How is it activated? How to organize coordination meetings so that they are effective? Etc.


The main objectives are :


  • Prepare the members of the Incident Management Center (IMC) to react well in case of emergency measures

  • To provide an understanding of the organization of the Emergency Response Plan


  • Facilitate the activation of the plan, the use of procedures and the implementation of emergency measures


  • Propose a global approach to security (from prevention to recovery)


  • Promote a transversal vision of incident management issues


  • Present the Incident Management Center (IMC) in terms of equipment and organization


  • To provide elements of understanding of how an IMC works



*Prerequisite: Introduction to emergency measures training

Duration: 3 hours

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